PORTFOLIO - The adrenaline rush of above and beyond
Specialized Services
The passion of trying to be one of the best in the aircraft rebuild and restoration industry is very important to Dave Teeters. With 44 years of vast knowledge and experience, care and attention to detail and a love of aircrafts, Dave's goal is to try to preserve all that with photos and videos.
Photos are a great way to capture momentous events and videos really tell the story. Dave is proud to share with you photos and videos taken at different times during the aircraft rebuild and restoration stages throughout the years. What is captivating about these videos is that you get to experience what Dave and his team experience; the sound of the engine, the working mechanics, the ASI team's intense attention to detail and exuberant facial expressions of the pilots as they test drive the aircrafts. It is hoped you get the adrenaline rush just as much as Dave and his ASI team do while working on the aircrafts!
PLEASE BEAR WITH US AS WE CREATE OUR FABULOUS WEBSITE SHOWCASING OUR OUTSTANDING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FOR YOUR AIRCRAFT NEEDS. In the meantime we would love to hear from you, give us a call 831-757-7154 and let's talk about how Airmotive Specialties, Inc can service your aircraft repair and restoration needs.
CALL 831-757-7154
OUR PLEDGE: To always provide the highest level of service and to deliver above and beyond expectations on every project.